Learn more about missions
and the Arabian Peninsula

Jesus, may You be worshipped

Learn about the
Arabian Penisula


Mobilize Churches

  1. Coordinate a Perspectives course
  2. Lead a weekly prayer meeting, praying for God's gloray to be over all the earth, including the Arabian Peninsula
  3. Connect with Antioch Network or Advancing Church Mission Commitment
  4. Join your church mission committee or develop a team to stimulate your church’s global focus.
  5. Invite missionaries and mission teachers to share at your church. Some recommended weekend seminars:
  6. A Day of Discovery
    Operation WorldView

Befriend Arabs

Try networking through
  1. Local mosques, international markets or restaurants
  2. Most universities have many international students, many come from the Gulf States
  3. International Students, Inc
  4. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
  5. Saudi Advocacy Network

Mobilize Students

Mobilize University Students - Get in touch with:
  1. Missions Mandate
  2. InterVarsity Missions (Urbana)
  3. The Traveling Team
  4. Passion
  5. Saudi Advocacy Network

Mobilize Children

  1. Curricula and Videos - some suggestions are "Kids Around The World", "Dawning of a New Light", and "God’s Got Stuff to Do"
  2. Wycliffe Curriculum - some suggestions from Wycliffe are "Bright Ideas" and "Great Commission Toolbox"
  3. Teaching Kids Missions Resources
  4. Bible’s DiscipleLand curriculum

Become an Advocate

  1. Learn about unreached people group advocacy: AD2000 Adoption Program
  2. Register with people-group adoption networks:
    Joshua Project
  3. Get tools for facilitating an unreached people group adoption
    Keys To The Nations book
    YWAM'S Adopt-A-People Program
    Adopt a People

Bible Studies/Good Books

  1. Take a Perspectives class - There are several programs in addition to the classic Perspectives program - read through the descriptions and locations to decide which is best for you.
  2. Study through “God’s Heart for the Nations” by yourself or with your small group
  3. Read one (or more) of the following classic books on the Biblical basis for missions:
    “The Great Omission” by Robertson McQuilken
    “Unveiled At Last” by Bob Sjogren
    “Let the Nations Be Glad” by John Piper